Author: Vale, voxqube CEO
You’ve had a call with us and are ready to localize all your videos to several languages. But wait — let’s do a demo translation first.
No, we are not lazy, trust us — we are eager to create as many translations as possible. And not because it’s the job we get paid for (though, that’s the reason we do it so dedicated). We are real adepts of localization.
Then, what stops us? The reason is simple: we want to do localization that is needed by your audience.

Once starting working on voxqube, we were inspired by our own experience and needs for content in local languages. But we do not represent all the nations.
Once I came across a quote that change my attitude toward work. A quote from the ‘Inspired’ by Marty Cagan:
‘I promised myself that never again would I work so hard on a product unless I knew the product would be something that users and customers wanted.’
And this quote changed the work from the root. I started to conduct CustDev interviews with every single customer that comes to us. And the first thing I was telling was ‘We should start with a demo.’
Some people prefer simple language. Some use a lot of English terms in their mother language. All this influences neural dubbing a lot. And there is the only way to find out, what will suit you — go and test it.
The audience liked the translated audio track? Great! We can do the next one.
The audience gave negative comments. Even better — that’s our next field of work.
Recently we did a demo of Hindi AI dubbing for a YouTube creator. The language was chosen according to his channel statistics: he had numerous subscribers from India. But that was not the main reason.
During the call, the creator shared with us that his followers from India had created a fan account with his videos and were doing amateur translations to Hindi. I was amazed!
With all our dedication and inspiration, we started to do the neural voiceover. I must mention here that we always work with native translators and editors, whom we trust.
Once the Hindi audio track was ready, the creator posted it on his channel and urged the Hindi-speaking followers to give some feedback. I will start with the positive ones ;)
It's a great effort for those who are comfortable in understanding concepts of physics in Hindi 🙏
Very nice dubbed in Hindi!
But there were negative comments as well. People found translated text to be a way to the official, which was not the tone of voice of the original video. Moreover, they shared that they do not use Hindi versions for professional terms and stick to English ones. And the last one was about English audio in the background — this was rather disrupting than helpful.
And trust me or not, I was glad to receive such honest feedback! Now, when doing a Hindi voiceover, we always keep these comments in mind. And now we collect more positive feedback ;)
As for this case: we remastered the audio track and even did a translation into some other languages.
Work with people and work for people — this is my new credo for work!